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congresos y jornadas

18 / 10 / 2018

Primera Sesión DEFCOMCOURT III “Priority trends for national judges on European Competition Law”

El 18, 19 y 20 de octubre de 2018 tuvo lugar la Primera Sesión de trabajo del Proyecto DEFCOMCOURT 3 […]

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congresos y jornadas

01 / 12 / 2023

Congreso: III Valencia International Meeting On Competition Law, “Dominance, Dependence and Mergers in Digital Markets”

The event is to be held the upcoming February 22nd and 23rd, 2024,  in person and in English, at the […]

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07 / 06 / 2017

Lawful Business Coordination in Competition Law (CELDEFCOM)

The Project aims at undertaking an updated revision of the scope for a lawful business coordination in the context of […]

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