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global area

09 / 06 / 2017

Global Distribution Law Conference (9 and 10 June 2017, Paris)

Today and tomorrow a global group of experts in distribution law from the five continents meets in Paris to talk […]

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23 / 07 / 2024

New European Competition Trends in Digital Markets

Digital Platforms have become one of the main actors in todays’ economy. Their performance on the market has also given […]

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espacio global

06 / 07 / 2017

Llamada a comunicaciones JORNADA SOBRE DERECHO DE LAS NUEVAS TECNOLOGĂŤAS, Sevilla, 15 y 16 de marzo 2018

PARTICIPACIĂ“N Se podrán presentar Ponencias (20-30 páginas) o Comunicaciones (10-20 páginas). Los Ponentes han de tener el tĂ­tulo de Doctor. […]

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